冻融 混凝土 Testing


洪堡的精英系列, 冻融 Cabinet is used to measure the resistance of concrete to deterioration caused by repeated cycles of freezing and thawing. hc - 3186年代.4F 冻融 is designed to test up to eighteen 3" x 4" x 16" (76 x 102 x 406cm) concrete specimens simultaneously, 其中一个作为对照.

Key features of the 冻融 include:

  • Fully automatic operation frees operator to perform other lab duties.
  • Allows users to establish field control using correlations between concrete strength and durability
  • Permits the evaluation of variables in concrete properties and conditioning.
  • 使用ful in the evaluation of the durability of aggregates, as well as the properties of admixtures.

The Sonometer determines changes in resonant frequency of concrete specimens subjected to alternate cycles of freezing and thawing with the 洪堡 freeze-thaw cabinet. This apparatus closely follows design parameters set up over 40 years ago by the Portland 水泥 Association research laboratories. The original PCA design has been modified by changing to solid state circuitry and addition of a built-in cathode ray oscilloscope. No other resonant frequency system includes an oscilloscope despite being strongly recommended in ASTM C215 paragraph 4.2. Other systems offer an oscilloscope connection. The oscilloscope confirms that peak reading on meter is actual resonance and not a harmonic.

洪堡 provides a wide selection of freeze-thaw equipment from several manufacturers to choose from. If you have questions or need help selecting equipment, please call us at 1.800.544.7220或使用我们的 问洪堡 form.


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